Wednesday, April 30, 2014

May 5th!

I'm so excited. My Kickstarter will be going live Monday, May 5!
I'm trying to raise $7,500 to help me self-publish a hardcover picture book called, A Cape!
In addition to the book, I've developed a whole school program called, "Imagination Is A Superpower!"
I've put together all kinds of great prizes for donors and will be adding some extra fun things as the Kickstarter goes along.

For those of you who may not know, Kickstarter is a website that helps people raise money for creative projects. Funding is all or nothing, so I could use all the help I can get to spread the word and make this project a reality!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Donating Books to The Children's Literacy Foundation

I just got my Kickstarter project approved!
I did have to make a couple changes to the description to meet their guidelines, however and I want to make sure that I let you know about it here.

To meet their guidelines for a project, I am not allowed to mention any charitable donations in my project.

I want everybody to know, though, that if I reach my stretch goal of $10,000, I'll be donating at least one entire case of A Cape! to my good friends at The Children's Literacy Foundation.

I've worked with them as a presenter since 2005 and I am constantly amazed by the incredible work they do to encourage literacy and get free books into kids' hands.

Help me reach my goal!

Thanks so much!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Last Painting!

Starting work on the last two page spread for the book. I have a few more smaller paintings and then the artwork will be finished!

Friday, April 25, 2014

A Book Dummy

I made up a rough dummy of the book that shows its actual size. The real book will have a snazzy spot-gloss dust jacket, though.

It's going to look fantastic!

Still working on the back cover. It might look like this. Or it might not.